Getting a good return on investment (ROI) is crucial in the business world. Without it, you are likely losing a lot of money. A good ROI is necessary to help justify the marketing expenses, to decide where the most effective places to spend money are, and to hold your marketing decisions accountable. When it comes to online advertising, many companies have been falling short. There’s one company out to change it and help increase their ROI.
“Our platform was designed with the mission of eliminating non-engagement from video advertising,” explains Hank Frecon, the chief executive officer of Source Digital. “We have went to great lengths to ensure that it improves user experience, as well as ROI’s.”
The platform that Source Digital has created is essentially revolutionizing video advertising. Rather than just accepting the fact that viewers tend to become impatient and disengaged with video advertising, it has used that information to create a better platform. After spending seven years working on the platform and perfecting it, the company is now using it to help companies increase their ROI.
- No more wasted engagement. Source Digital’s goal is to continuously engage viewers with in-video Moments — the intersection of perfect timing and the perfect message. The platform targets those moments whenever they occur. Suddenly, what was passive viewing time with interruptive advertising becomes an incredibly interactive and engrossing experience for viewers.
- 100% ad-friendly. Clients can choose to serve traditional ads into the platform content Moments. With unlimited Moments available inside a video, Source’s platform expands available inventory instantly. They work with most video and display ad platforms.
- Real-time, cookie-less data capture. While viewers interact with Source’s Moments, the platform captures hundreds of data points. Because they capture per session, robust viewer behaviors can be mapped without any cookie issues.
- Increased viewing time. With additional layers of content and interactivity accompanying great video, audiences don’t drift to other screens or platforms.
- Eliminate the “click-thru” gap. Traditionally, marketers use video ad time to push viewers to their platforms to transact or capture data. For example, someone may see an ad for a mattress or television show before the video they are watching. If the person is interested in what is being promoted, they have to click away from their content. The Source platform brings its clients’ entire store, shopping carts, and data capture process into the video. Viewers don’t click away, and they do more while they watch.
- Options. Source Digital’s platform allows advertisers to place an ad within a video capturing moment by moment. Ads can be spread out within a video so that you can target any moment in the video with just the right ad. Such capabilities allow advertisers to mobilize and re-invigorate your existing ad inventory to make it more meaningful.
- Difference: One of the most important differences with Source Digital’s platform is that your ad doesn’t have to be stuck at the beginning of the video. Now it can be seamlessly integrated with content that makes the sale even more valuable.
“Every business should want to get the best ROI that they can from video advertising,” added Frecon. “Without doing so, you are losing money spent on marketing, as well as lost sales. We have turned it around so that businesses are no longer saddled with a low ROI for video advertising and left assuming there’s no better option.”
Source Digital platform helps advertisers to be more effective, build brand recognition, and improve the engagement level with consumers. There is no longer an issue with ad stagnation and viewers immediately clicking away from the content when the ad comes on. To create such an effective platform, Source Digital has used thousands of consumer behavior data points that will help to improve consumer engagement at the most opportune moments.
The company has worked with numerous Fortune 500 companies to help create a more engaging and effective video advertising experience. The Source network is able to pull targeted content from a variety of sources, including NBC Universal, Golf, LiveNation, MotorTrend, and many influencers that are associated with professional sports. To learn more about Source Digital, visit:
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