An “Irresistible” Movie of Politics (with Steve Carell!)


Released on June 26, “Irresistible” is a comedy/drama movie featuring Steve Carell as Gary Zimmer; Rose Byrne as Faith Brewster; Chris Cooper as Jack Hastings and many other outstanding cast members.

Steve Carell

This work of “purple satire” focuses more on the process of politics, rather than party policies. Its basic plot? A Democratic political consultant (Carell) helps a retired Marine colonel (Cooper) for mayor in a small Wisconsin town, according to Google.

“I took great care in running this by a lot of people that are in that world to make sure that it met the test of believability…” said director and screenwriter Jon Stewart.

Though none of us could’ve imagined watching this movie amid a global pandemic and global protests to fight against racism, “Irresistible” offers a more positive perspective on the world of politics.

The movie depicts satirical comments that not only make the audience laugh but also make viewers realize the hectic, exhausting reality of current-day politics. Our nonstop election cycle, campaign and polarization of various American parties are far from a Steve Carell movie we can laugh at.
